Humans of MUSC: Daisy Collett
In this edition of Humans of MUSC, we chat to the WSL2 Captain, Daisy Collett. Read on to find out about how she got involved with MUSC and who she’s played every season with!
Can you introduce yourself please:
I’m Daisy, MUWSC member of 4 years now and captain of the current state 2 women’s team.
Why did you choose to play at the Melbourne University Soccer Club?
I moved to MUSC when I began my undergraduate degree at unimelb. Previously, I had been playing for Casey Comets which is a bit closer to my home town in Rosebud, but needed a fresh start when I moved to the city. I was instantly welcomed and had a whole new team of friends! A great start to my university experience.
What do you feel are the main benefits of playing at MUSC?
A huge thing for me is MUSC’s focus on its women’s teams. Where I grew up there were only boy’s teams so I always felt like I was second to the male players, but at MUSC you are surrounded by a big family of strong women who are passionate about the game. There is a lot of inter-team banter and friendships, especially amongst the women’s teams, and it is so nice to see all the women supporting each other.
Has there been a favourite season at MUSC, and if so, why?
My first season at MUSC (the only uninterrupted one so far– thanks covid) in 2019 was definitely a standout. I was playing for the State 1 reserves at the time and we completed the season undefeated.
What about your current involvement in the soccer club?
This year I am captaining the women’s state 2 squad again. Captains are responsible for a whole range of club duties but thanks to my amazing vice captains Alice and Lys the load is much lighter!
Has there been a standout coach at MUSC? (and) the best player you have played alongside at MUSC?
Hands down, the Adam and Nic coaching combo. They dedicate so much time and effort to the team and have been a privilege to learn from. I have played with/been coached by Nic every season since starting at MUSC. Nic plays in a very similar position to me (holding midfield) and has been, and continues to be, a mentor for how I aspire to play.
In regards to players, there are so many amazing players at this club, all with different strengths. I have to give a shout-out to Speedy though, who I have also played with every season since joining the club. I love when we are both playing on the left together, she’s always rooting for me to score.

Do you have any particularly memorable experiences relating to your sports/outdoor activities?
I have unfortunately had a lot of injury experiences throughout my soccer years! While they aren’t particularly pleasant experiences they have definitely made me a better player in the long-run.
How do you prepare for a match on gameday/do you have any quirky pre-match rituals?
I always eat a huge breakfast and triple check my bag! I’m an absolute menace for forgetting something. Music is also super important for my pre-game. The state 2 team chooses a weekly playlist theme that we play pre-game to get ourselves pumped.
Besides sports, do you have any other hobbies or passions?
Not that I have much time for much else outside of uni and soccer, but I do love to paint when I get the chance.
What has been your most memorable goal at your time at MUSC?
I have unfortunately not been able to hit the back of the net yet (super keen to change this this season!!) but I did score an epic header goal last year in the college game against Trinity. It’s up with a time stamp on my Facebook if anyone’s interested:)
Thanks for chatting with us, Daisy! We wish you and the state league 2 team all the best for the rest of the season!