Humans of MUSC: Ellie Acevedo
Back at the start of the season, we spoke with Ellie, who coached MUSC’s new social soccer series this season! If you’ve been to a club event that Ellie has MC’d, you’ll know that she is not only extremely good at football (both playing and coaching) but incredibly funny too!!
Hello, Ellie! Can you introduce yourself, please:
Hi I’m Ellie, I have played at the club since 2017, and in recent years have been involved in coaching. I have played at least a game in almost every league we have, except VPL.

A real club person! We love to see it – I’ll note also for the readers at home that Ellie has also served as a board member at the club, been crucial to the running of All Gender Games, and has done so much work leading to the creation of the Indigenous bursary and MUSC Indigenous jersey (designed by Kiewa Austin-Rioli). Truly an inclusive, community-minded queen!
What about your current involvement in the soccer club?
After being the very talented Eden’s assistant coach last year, I have now been entrusted to coach the new Social Soccer Series. It has been fantastic to be involved in a positive and fun soccer series, where alongside our focus on improving soccer skills, we can also just have a chat during training (my favourite past time).

Why did you choose to play at the Melbourne University Soccer Club?
Honestly, I was a student at another university which didn’t have a soccer team, and MUSC was the cheapest and most central club I could find ha ha…
Extremely valid reasons! What do you feel are the main benefits of playing at MUSC?
It has been fantastic to meet so many different people and make connections with people who enjoy the beautiful game as much as I do. MUSC provides not only opportunities for social connections but also personal development, if you want to organise events, practice setting up a community tournament, or even coach a team, MUSC will give you the opportunity. This club has helped me not only grow as a soccer player, but as a person.
We love to hear it! Has there been a favourite season at MUSC, and if so, why?
My favourite season at MUSC was my first season playing at the club, in a league which I believe now doesn’t exist (Vic Soccer League). We ended up winning the league, but this isn’t why it was my favourite season. This team had several players that either had played at the national level for their country or were very high-level players. It was amazing to play with players who were much more advanced than me in terms of skill level and maturity, as it vastly improved my own soccer and life skills.

Has there been a standout coach at MUSC? (and) the best player you have played alongside at MUSC?
Adam H and Jill K were both standouts for me. Both coaches were with me at pivotal points in my soccer journey and without their philosophies and engagement I might have quit soccer by now. I have had the privilege to play alongside a plethora of talented, dedicated and supportive players. To name a few who have influenced me at the club, and pushed me to be a better player/person…Sasha, Anna, Cat, Nez, Caitlin, Carrot, Izzy, TJ, Jordis, Karoline, Audrey, Pema, Angela, Bundy, Ally, Jenny…and the list goes on. I am so grateful to have been coached by and played alongside some amazing people, thank you!!!

Do you have any quirky matchday rituals?
Nah not really, I just like to sing, dance and be silly. My only request is that there’s a few reggaeton songs on the match day playlist.
Besides sports, do you have any other hobbies or passions?
I play Cello, and one of my greatest passions in life is childhood literacy development.
What has been your most memorable goal during your time at MUSC?
I have actually only scored one goal during my MUSC career, because I exclusively play defensive positions. During my one and only goal, I was playing Defensive Mid and happened to be in the box at the right time for Cat to lay it off to me!

What is your secret talent that no one knows about?
I speak 4 languages.
You are so impressive! What are they?
English, Italian, Spanish and Japanese (to varying levels, of course).
What are you most excited about for this season?
I am excited to be a part of the inaugural MUSC Women/Nonbinary players’ Social Soccer Series. Shout out to Sasha and Carrot for all their hard work getting this off the ground!

Thanks for chatting with us, Ellie! Looking back now at the end of the season, we can safely say that the social soccer series was a resounding success! It’s been great to have a space for beginners to develop at MUSC and enjoy the beautiful game. Thanks for all your hard work!