
MUSC members have personal injury insurance through the University of Melbourne / Melbourne University Sport:

Members registered for Football Victoria competitions also have coverage through Football Federation Australia:

Be aware of your coverage and seek additional insurance independently if you are not satisfied.

FFA’s insurer states: “Whilst the plan provides basic levels of cover for players and others participating in Football, it is not all encompassing (this is necessary to keep the cost of insurance affordable for players) and does not seek to replace the need for private health and other insurances. FFA encourages all players and officials to take out their own private health insurance and life insurance over and above the coverage provided under this plan.”

The club can assist you in making any claims.

The club does not provide personal effects cover, i.e. insurance coverage that protects your personal possessions against accidental loss or damage when you take them away from your home. Please be careful with personal belongings you bring to the clubrooms and pitches.