Michael Owen



Michael Owen, also known as Mickey or MO, was awarded Melbourne University Soccer Club life membership in October 2024.

Many in the MUSC community will be most familiar with Michael from his time spent as the longest standing president in the club’s history. His decade spent in the role is made all the more impressive when taking into consideration his contributions and successes during that time.

In addition to his volunteering efforts, Michael boasts an accolade-heavy playing career and has played over 300 games for the club.


Michael joined MUSC in 2004 after moving to the big smoke from country Victoria. He has since played over 300 games for the club. He starting his playing career with the Thirds before progressing into the club’s senior squads, spent a number of years in the MSL reserves, and still kicks around with our Sunday teams. Over the years he has played on eight different championship winning sides across Metropolitan and Men’s State League Football.

2013 is particularly notable with Michael serving as captain of the league-winning Men’s State League 5 Reserves, and winning the team’s Best & Fairest award.


While recovering from a knee reconstruction, Michael coached the 2016 Men’s State League 5 Reserves premiership-winning team. The side got 17 wins from 20 games and finished with a +68 goal difference.

Governance & leadership

Michael’s election as president in 2015 came after serving as a committee member for the two years prior and as vice-president in 2014.

At the start of Michael’s tenure, the club operated with separate men’s and women’s divisions, each with its own committee, leading to duplicated roles, inefficient resource use, and decisions that often favoured one division over the other. Recognising the need for a more unified and equitable structure, Michael led a significant operational and governance reform. His efforts brought the divisions together, culminating in the adoption of a new constitution in 2020. This ensured the board’s composition better reflected the entire club and formally enshrined gender diversity and equity in leadership. The restructuring was accompanied by the adoption of industry-endorsed best practices and the launch of a refreshed club logo (designed by Michael!). These changes were the result of years of relationship-building and advocacy, underscoring Michael’s commitment to long-term, sustainable progress.

Managing (and bolstering!) the club’s financial position was another slow and steady task achieved during Michael’s presidency. This work included overseeing day-to-day financial tasks such as budgeting and book-keeping, and progressing long-term projects, including the establishment of the club’s Foundation Chapter and updating the club’s monetary processes and systems. Under Michael’s leadership, MUSC withstood the many operational and financial impacts that the COVID-19 pandemic had on grassroots sport. At the end of his presidency in 2024, Michael left the club in a far stronger and more sustainable financial position than how he found it.

Strategic output was another cornerstone of Michael’s leadership. This included overseeing the development of a whole club three-year strategic plan; serving as a member on Melbourne University Sport’s Club Advisory Group; supporting the expansion of the club’s football offerings to be more inclusive, diverse and accessible; and advocating with key stakeholders for improved facilities and grounds.

In 2023, Michael received Melbourne University Sport’s Distinguished Service Award in recognition of service to the club for more than 10 years.

Operations & administration

Beyond the board room, Michael has been an essential cog in the operations behind what would grow to become Victoria’s biggest senior football club. His contributions – most of which sat outside the remit of president – include but are not limited to:

  • IT and webmaster – introducing a club membership management system to manage data from over 400+ players and thousands of expressions of interest, and developing a new club website and online store.
  • Registrations – supporting the roll out of a new club membership management system, and processing hundreds of players’ registrations.
  • Equipment and kit management – serving as club equipment officer, coordinating and updating the club’s many playing kits, and key stakeholder management with suppliers.
  • Events – leading multiple men’s presentation nights, and the club’s 70th and 75th anniversary celebrations.
  • Facilities management and administration.
  • Matchday operations.
  • Partnerships and grants.
  • Social media and comms management.

Michael’s contributions earnt him the Harry Gill Medal – the club’s Men’s Players’ Player award – in 2017 and 2022.


  • Melbourne University Sport’s Distinguished Service Award (2023)
  • Harry Gill Medal for Men’s Players’ Player of the Year x 2 (2017 & 2022)
  • 12+ years on board and committee (2013 – present)
    • Club committee member (2013)
    • Vice President (Men’s) (2014)
    • President (2015 – 2024)
    • Melbourne University Sport Clubs Advisory Group (2020 – 2024)
  • 300+ matches played
    • Thirds Central League Runner-Up Best & Fairest (2007)
    • Prov 3 SE Seniors Coach’s Award (John Buckley) (2008)
    • Thirds Div 2 NW Top Goalscorer (2010)
    • MSL5 East Reserves Best & Fairest (2013)
    • MSL4 East Seniors Coach’s Award (Larry Quiroga) (2014)
    • Championship winning seasons:
      • Prov 3 SE Reserves (2009)
      • Thirds 2 NW (2012)
      • MSL5 East Reserves (2013)
      • MSL5 North Reserves (2016)
      • MSL5 West Reserves (2017)
      • MSL5 North Reserves (2019)
      • Metropolitan 8 SE Bohemians (2023)
      • Metropolitan 6 NW Bohemians (2024)
  • 2 seasons as a coach
    • Assistant coach MSL4 East Reserves – 2nd place finish (2015)
    • Player coach MSL5 North – 1st place finish (2016)