MUSC in the Community
We aim to provide a welcoming and supportive environment for everyone to enjoy the beautiful game. Over the season, we participate in programs and run a number of special initiatives to show our support for the community.
Pride In Sport
Our annual pride round tradition began in 2015 when we worked with the Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission to pilot their Fair Go! Sport program. Since 2018, we have held our pride round in conjunction with Melbourne University Sport’s Pride in Sport initiative.
We encourage our members to build their knowledge and understanding of LGBTQIA+ inclusion in sport so we can be a more welcoming and inclusive club, and maintain a pack of resources to help them. See our LGBTQIA+ inclusion resources (PDF).
If you would like to learn more about LGBTQIA+ inclusion at MUSC please contact us at [email protected] to be put in touch with our Pride Ambassador.

Gambling Harm Awareness
We participate in Football Victoria’s Love the Game round, an initiative dedicated to helping soccer clubs and their communities learn about responsible gambling. We have also run our own Love the Game gala match during Gambling Harm Awareness week.
Mental Health Awareness
Looking out for each other, that’s what being part of a club is all about. The last few years have seen us don spotty armbands and participate in the Ties For Lives Foundation’s SPOTaThon.
As well as raising awareness throughout the club, we’ve also raised funds for the Ties for Lives Foundation’s SPOTA Crew mental health first aid program, which helps young people learn the signs of anxiety and depression and where they can get help for themselves or their friends.
Pink Round
We run a Pink Round to raise awareness and funds for Breast Cancer Network Australia. Read a recap of 2019’s Pink Round.

Respect the Game
We are proud supporters of Football Victoria’s Respect the Game campaign. As a club, we are committed to providing a safe environment for all to unite through football.