Code of Conduct

All MUSC members, players and coaches must adhere to the club’s Code of Conduct.

1. All club members, officials and players will treat the other members, visitors, other clubs’ players and officials and the general public with common courtesy and respect.

2. All club members, officials and players will be responsible for the conduct of any visitor brought to the premises or grounds of Melbourne University Soccer Club and Melbourne University or who attends a match or function at premises or grounds other than those of the Melbourne University Soccer Club and Melbourne University.

3. No club member, official or player may behave or act in any way that is injurious to the interests, welfare or reputation of the Melbourne University Soccer Club and Melbourne University or unbecoming of a member of Melbourne University Soccer Club and Melbourne University, whether such behaviour or action has occurred on, around or in the premises of Melbourne University Soccer Club and Melbourne University or elsewhere.

4. All club members, officials and players will demonstrate good sportsmanship and fair play at all times.

5. All club members, officials and players must encourage goodwill:

a. between members of Melbourne University Soccer Club and Melbourne University;

b. between members of Melbourne University Soccer Club and Melbourne University and members of other bodies with whom Melbourne University Soccer Club and Melbourne University are affiliated;

c. between members of Melbourne University Soccer Club and Melbourne University and competitors of Melbourne University Soccer Club and Melbourne University; and

d. between all clubs affiliated with the FV and other relevant playing associations with whom Melbourne University Soccer Club are affiliated

6. All club members, officials and players must abstain from criticising any coaches, players, employees or officers of Melbourne University Soccer Club and Melbourne University until all necessary research indicates that such criticism is warranted and needs public airing.

7. All club members, officials and players are to behave consistently with the philosophy that participation and the best performance of a player’s abilities are more important than winning at all costs.

8. Referees’ decisions are not to be queried by any person other than the team coach or captain.

9. Melbourne University Soccer Club and Melbourne University will take immediate disciplinary action against any club member, official or player who engages in, assists or is complicit in any way with the following behaviour:

a. Cheating or perverting the natural course of any game

b. Bribing any official(s) of a club or sporting organisation

c. Verbal abuse of any person (be they a spectator, club member, club official, player of any club or the public)

d. Physical abuse of any person (be they a spectator, club member, club official, player of any club or the public)

e. Theft or damage to any property owned by any person or body

f. Drunken or disorderly conduct

g. The use of coarse language or swearing (as governed by the rules of the FV, Football Australia and FIFA)

h. The use of undignified, assaulting or insulting gestures

i. Sexual harassment

j. Spitting at any player, member, club official be they associated with Melbourne University Soccer Club or any other club or the public

k. Unauthorised use of Melbourne University Soccer Club and Melbourne University premises, equipment or club uniforms

l. Failure to leave Melbourne University Soccer Club and Melbourne University premises when so requested by an officer or manager of Melbourne University Soccer Club or Melbourne University

m. Smoking in a non-smoking area

n. Incur or allow to be incurred any debt attributable to Melbourne University Soccer Club or Melbourne University unless otherwise authorised

o. Permit liquor to be sold or consumed by any person under the age of eighteen (18) years unless that person is accompanied by a spouse, parent or guardian and the liquor is to be consumed with a meal supplied on Melbourne University Soccer Club or Melbourne University premises.

p. Any form of racial vilification or abuse to any person whether or not they are affiliated with Melbourne University Soccer Club or Melbourne University, any other club or a member of the general public.

11. All club members, officials and players must pay/serve any fines, fees or sanctions imposed by any organisations in relation to representing Melbourne University Soccer Club.

12. As a member of a Melbourne University affiliated club, club members agree to comply with all applicable University or MU Sport policies and procedures which are set out at and will obey the reasonable instructions of MU Sport and Club activity facilitators or instructors as relevant to Melbourne University Soccer Club
Club members understand that if they:

a. Engage in activities that bring MU Sport and/or the University into disrepute or that are illegal;

b. Intentionally misuse or cause damage to MU Sport assets or property;

c. Engage in a serious misuse of Club funds or misappropriation of Club funds; or

d. Engage in a serious breach of a University or MU Sport policy

That MU Sport may act against them to suspend or terminate their membership, and in the event that they are a University staff member or student, that MU Sport reserves the right to take further disciplinary action under the relevant University statutes, regulations, policies and procedures.

Last updated: January 2023