Humans of MUSC: Vanessa Kwan

In this instalment of Humans of MUSC we talk to the current captain of the State 4 women’s squad Vanessa Kwan. More

Humans of MUSC: Nez Özergen

In this exciting Humans of MUSC we talk to the “Winger Winger Chicken Dinner” of the State 3 North team Nez Özergen. Between dog spotting in her free time, spearheading the MUSC social media team and “un peu Français” this instalment has it all! More

Humans of MUSC: Eduardo “Edu” Daga de Sousa

In this instalment of Humans of MUSC we talk to our very own Eduardo “Edu” Daga de Sousa where we delve into his 8 year involvement in the club and how it helped him integrate into Australian culture. More

Ultra Football

Ultra Football – 2019 merchandise partner

MUSC is pleased to announce Ultra Foootball as the club's official merchandise partner for 2019. More

MUSC 2019 Season Launch

2019 Season Launch

Join us in the Ernie Cropley Pavilion the evening of Friday 22nd March to kick off the 2019 season and hear what the club has planned for the year ahead. This is a free event. Drinks and nibbles provided. More

Kieser Fitzroy

Kieser Fitzroy: 2019 Partnership

MUSC are delighted to announce Kieser Fitzroy will be the club's exclusive physiotherapy partner for the 2019 season. More


Help Keep Princes Park Clean

We are teaming up with Active Melbourne to help keep Princes Park clean & tidy by collecting rubbish whilst walking and jogging around Princes Park. More

MUSC Pride in Sport

Pride in Sport Video Released

Melbourne University Sport has released its Pride in Sport video. Watch it here! More

Cameron McGilp signs for Swindon Town

Unimelb Student Signs for Swindon Town

MUSC congratulates University of Melbourne student Cameron McGilp for signing with Swindon Town Football Club in the UK. More

Drew McMullin

Humans of MUSC: Drew McMullin

In this instalment of Humans of MUSC we talk to club veteran Drew McMullin who joined the club in 2004 as a player and transitioned to coaching in 2011. More