17 results for custom post type: People

Michael Owen

  Many in the MUSC community will be most familiar with Michael from his time spent as the longest standing president in the club's history. His decade spent in the role is made all the more impressive when taking into consideration his contributions and successes during that time. In addition to his volunteering ... More

Madeleine Horey

This membership recognises Madeleine's outstanding contribution to the club over 16 years. During that time, Madeleine served on the Board, was a committee member, played and coached for the club. Madeleine contributed to a culture that has lived on since she has stopped playing – fostering a community spirit and ... More

Drew McMullin

Drew joined the club in 2004. After playing a lot of indoor, he decided to give outdoor football one last go with a few of friends. They looked at a couple of clubs and MUSC was centrally located to them all. They went to watch a game and thought people seemed welcoming, so went along for the next pre-season. Drew hoped ... More

Andrew Bullen

AB joined MUSC in 2001 during his second year of university and went on to become a stalwart of the club. AB was one of the club’s most dedicated and valuable volunteers and leaders for a number of years. Many of the club’s recent successes are built on initiatives introduced under AB’s stewardship. AB was ... More

Adrienne Heslop


Harry Gill


Shoni Maguire

From 1997 to 2006, Shoni was a thirds coach and player. As interest in the club grew, Shoni assisted in establishing many new thirds teams at MUSC. At times, he trained two squads during the week and handed over match day duties to someone else for one of the teams on weekends. In 2006, Shoni played in and coached the ... More

Boris Ivanov


Statios Konstantopoulos


Ian Petersen
